Soothing Hatha @ Zug Yoga Sports
Soothing Hatha @ Zug Yoga Sports

Soothing Hatha

Slow and Gentle Yoga


@ Zug Yoga Sports


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Soothing Hatha @ Zug Yoga Sports
Soothing Hatha @ Zug Yoga Sports

Hatha Yoga für EinsteigerInnen

Verschiedene Yoga-Grundhaltungen (Āsana) im Stehen, Sitzen und Liegen zur sanften Kräftigung jeder Muskelgruppe in Deinem Körper, Atemübungen (Prānāyāma) für ein entspanntes und fokussiertes Nervensystem und eine kurze Meditation bringen dabei Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang. Eine zutiefst entspannende und gleichzeitig belebende Yogaklasse für jedes Niveau.

Ideal wenn Du neu bist beim Yoga und Dich in ungezwungener Atmosphäre in Deinem eigenen Tempo an die Grundlagen einer fundierten Hatha Yoga Praxis herantasten willst.

Die Klasse wird zu entspannender Musik in einem warmen (≈30°C) und leicht feuchten (≈RH40%) Raumklima praktiziert.


A gentle Hatha Flow

The ideal class to start or deepen your yoga practice. Various basic yoga postures (Āsana) to gently strengthen every muscle group in your body, breathing exercises (Prānāyāma) for a relaxed and focused nervous system and a short meditation help to bring your body, mind and soul into harmony.

The perfect place to start if you're new to Yoga and keen to learn the fundamentals of a sustainable Hatha Yoga practice on your own terms.

The class is being practiced in a warm (≈30-32°C) and slightly humid (≈40%RH) room.


Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2023


12:15 - 13:05

(50 min)


Baarerstrasse 22, 6300 Zug



Manuel (DE/EN)


Manuel was first introduced to Hot Yoga by a friend in Vienna back in 2014 because as a former competitive figure skater he was dealing with severe knee and back problems for years. After practicing the sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises regularly for 2 months, he started to notice significant changes in his body, not only had the physical pain subsided, he improved his overall posture, enjoyed better sleep and noticed a general boost in energy and much better focused mind. But the 2 main reasons why he is still keeping up with this practice: #1 - he hardly feels stressed anymore, no matter what life throws at him, he's able to remain balanced, calm and happy. And #2 - better and more conscious decisions in life, simply a happier and more fulfilled life in general. Today he is practicing various forms of Yoga and is sharing his passion and knowledge all around the globe.


Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in 2018 Yoga Sport Training in 2020 Yoga Therapy Training in 2017 Raja Yoga Academy RYT-500 in 2016 Fluid Isometrics (Fascia Therapy) in 2023




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Bitte storniere Deine Teilnahme bis 3 Stunden vor Klassenbeginn falls Du angemeldet bist aber nicht teilnehmen kannst. Vielen Dank.

Please cancel your booking up to 3 hours before class starts if you cannot participate anymore. Thank you very much.

Soothing Hatha


Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2023


12:15 - 13:05

(50 min)