Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop  @ Karl Straub Yoga Sanctuary
Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop  @ Karl Straub Yoga Sanctuary

Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop


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Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop  @ Karl Straub Yoga Sanctuary
Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop  @ Karl Straub Yoga Sanctuary



What does Asana practice have to do with how we express ourselves through words and what we communicate through body language? Speech comes from thoughts, thoughts come from thought impulses, thought impulses come from Samskaras (karmic seeds) that are activated by the vital force, the Prana. In Asana practice we learn to channel this vital force through Chakras (energy centers) that represent stages in the evolution of consciousness. Backbends help to open the Anahata Chakra, our center of unconditional love and universal compassion, while inversions help to move this energy of love into the speech center, Vishuddha Chakra. This physio-energetic process helps to reverse negative attitudes, thoughts, and speech. One’s body language becomes open, available and free; and becomes congruent with words spoken.


Sonntag, 20. August 2023


15:00 - 18:00

(180 min)


Sanctuary, great hall.


Zollikerstrasse 74, 8008 Zürich





(E) Yogeswari, based in Switzerland and New York is a world-renowned Jivamukti Yoga teacher and is one of the most senior teachers in the method. She taught 20 years at the Jivamukti Yoga School in New York City. Yogeswari is featured as one of the 100 most influential Yoga teachers in the US by Sonima. She is Advanced Certified, a Facilitator of Jivamukti Teacher Trainings, and has taken many Jivamukti Certified Teachers through one-on-one apprenticeships towards their 800-hour-certification. Since 2004, she has been teaching around the world. Yogeswari is known for her vigorous, seamless Vinyasa sequencing, and her thought-provoking philosophical teachings. With 20 years of experience in dance and choreography, she brings liveliness and vibrancy to all her work. She holds an MA in choreography and dance from New York University and a BFA McL in dance from Temple University, Philadelphia. Born in Switzerland, she teaches workshops, immersions, and retreats in five languages around the world. She is the founder and president of AZAHAR Foundation, an international non-profit organization that promotes cross-cultural understanding and non-violent conflict resolution through Yoga and the Arts, with special attention to disenfranchised communities, and women and children in conflict settings. more info: www.yogeswari.org and www.azaharfoundation.org. (D) Yogeswari ist in der Schweiz geboren und eine der erfahrensten und anerkanntesten Lehrerinnen von Jivamukti Yoga. Seit dem Jahr 2000 unterrichtet sie mehrheitlich an der Jivamukti Yoga School in New York. Gemäss ‘Sonima’ zählt sie zu den 100 einflussreichsten Yogalehrenden in den USA. Sie ist Advanced Certified (fortgeschrittenes Zertifikat) und Leiterin der Jivamukti Teacher Trainings und hat unzählige Schülerinnen und Schüler in deren 800-Stunden Ausbildung begleitet. Seit 2004 unterrichtet Yogeswari rund um den Globus Workshops, Immersions und Retreats in fünf Sprachen. Sie ist bekannt für ihre kraftvollen, fliessenden Vinyasa-Abfolgen, gespickt mit yoga-philosophischen Inspirationen. Yogeswari bringt mit ihrer 20-jährigen Erfahrung in Tanz und Choreografie Lebendigkeit und Schwung in all ihre Tätigkeiten. Sie hält einen MA in Choreografie und Tanz von der University of New York sowie einen BFA McL in Tanz von der Temple University in Philadelphia. Darüberhinaus ist sie die Begründerin der AZAHAR Foundation, einer internationalen NPO, welche interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und gewaltlose Konfliktlösung durch Yoga und darstellende Kunst fördert, mit einem speziellen Fokus auf entrechteten Gemeinschaften und Frauen und Kinder in konfliktreichem Umfeld. Für weitere Informationen siehe auch www.yogeswari.org und www.azaharfoundation.org.


65,00 CHF





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Cancellations can be done online via Eversports until 24 before the activity starts.

Yogeswari - Jivamukti Yoga Workshop


Sonntag, 20. August 2023


15:00 - 18:00

(180 min)


