Online Webinare / Workshops und Weiterbildungen / Fitness Camp Women's Movimento

Online Webinare / Workshops und Weiterbildungen / Fitness Camp Women's Movimento

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    Willkommen bei Women's Movimento und unserem erweiterten Angebot.

    Hier findest du eine Übersicht über unser vielfältiges Angebot an Weiterbildungen, Webinaren, Online-Programmen und Fitnesscamps uvm. Women's Movimento ist dein zuverlässiger Partner für umfassende Fitness- und Gesundheitsbildung. Demnächst bieten wir auch spannende Business-Themen durch Women's Growth an.

    Weiterbildungen und Workshops

    Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von Weiterbildungen und Workshops an, um dich in verschiedenen Fitnessdisziplinen und -methoden zu schulen. Unsere Kurse reichen von Aerobic bis hin zu spezialisierten Kangoo Power Instructor (International Kangoo Power from Kangoo Jumps Instructor) Schulungen. Erhalte wertvolles Wissen und Fähigkeiten, um selbst Kurse anzubieten oder deine persönliche Fitnessreise zu bereichern.

    Webinare und Online-Programme

    Unsere flexiblen Webinare und Online-Programme ermöglichen es dir, bequem von zu Hause aus zu lernen. Ob du deine Fitness verbessern, neue Trainingstechniken erlernen oder dich in speziellen Bereichen wie Ernährungsberatung weiterbilden möchtest – auf unserer Plattform findest du eine breite Palette an Kursen, die du in deinem eigenen Tempo absolvieren kannst.

    Fitnesscamps / Women's FIT Camp

    Nimm an unseren intensiven und motivierenden Fitnesscamps teil. Diese Veranstaltungen bieten dir die Gelegenheit, dich intensiv mit bestimmten Fitnesszielen auseinanderzusetzen, neue Freunde zu finden und Teil einer motivierenden Gemeinschaft zu werden. Unsere Camps kombinieren anspruchsvolles Training mit erholsamer Entspannung.

    Demnächst: Business-Themen mit Women's Growth.

    Bald erweitern wir unser Angebot um Business-Themen wie:

    • Schritt in die Selbständigkeit - Karriereentwicklung - Entrepreneurship - Finanzthemen uvm.

    Deine Vorteile: - Vielfältiges Angebot: Finde Kurse zu Fitness, Gesundheit und bald auch zu Business-Themen. - Flexibilität: Lerne und trainiere, wann und wo es dir am besten passt. - Exklusive Inhalte: Unsere Kurse und Workshops werden von erfahrenen Trainerinnen und Expertinnen geleitet.- Community: Werde Teil einer unterstützenden und motivierenden Gemeinschaft.

    Bei Fragen oder für weitere Informationen stehen wir dir gerne zur Verfügung. Kontaktiere uns per E-Mail unter oder telefonisch unter 078 694 42 79.


    Benvenuti da Women's Movimento e alla nostra offerta ampliata.

    Qui troverai una panoramica della nostra vasta gamma di corsi di formazione, webinar, programmi online e campi fitness, e molto altro. Women's Movimento è il tuo partner affidabile per una formazione completa in fitness e salute. Prossimamente, offriremo anche temi aziendali attraverso Women's Growth.

    Formazioni e Workshop

    Offriamo una varietà di corsi di formazione e workshop per istruirti in diverse discipline e metodi di fitness. I nostri corsi spaziano dall'aerobica alle specializzazioni per istruttori di Kangoo Power (International Kangoo Power from Kangoo Jumps Instructor). Acquisisci conoscenze e competenze preziose per offrire corsi o arricchire il tuo percorso di fitness personale.

    Webinar e Programmi Online

    I nostri webinar e programmi online flessibili ti permettono di apprendere comodamente da casa. Che tu voglia migliorare la tua forma fisica, apprendere nuove tecniche di allenamento o formarti in settori specifici come la consulenza nutrizionale, sulla nostra piattaforma troverai una vasta gamma di corsi da seguire al tuo ritmo.

    Campi Fitness / Women's FIT Camp

    Partecipa ai nostri campi fitness intensivi e motivanti. Questi eventi ti offrono l'opportunità di concentrarti intensamente su obiettivi di fitness specifici, fare nuove amicizie e diventare parte di una comunità motivante. I nostri campi combinano allenamenti impegnativi con momenti di relax.

    Prossimamente: Temi Aziendali con Women's Growth

    Presto amplieremo la nostra offerta con temi aziendali come:

    • Passaggio all'autoimprenditorialità
    • Sviluppo della carriera
    • Imprenditorialità
    • Temi finanziari
    I tuoi vantaggi:
    • Vasta offerta: Trova corsi di fitness, salute e presto anche temi aziendali.
    • Flessibilità: Impara e allenati quando e dove ti è più comodo.
    • Contenuti esclusivi: I nostri corsi e workshop sono tenuti da istruttrici ed esperte qualificate.
    • Comunità: Diventa parte di una comunità di supporto e motivante.

    Per domande o ulteriori informazioni, siamo a tua disposizione. Contattaci via e-mail a o telefonicamente al 078 694 42 79.

    Siamo entusiasti di accompagnarti nel tuo percorso di fitness e crescita personale!











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    Bodenackerstrasse 7, 5014 Gretzenbach




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    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


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    • Online Class

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