Video library Yin & Yang Yoga Flow auf Deutsch 2

Yin & Yang Yoga Flow auf Deutsch 2

60 min
All levels
(churned) The Yoga Connection - Alena Mauth
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0.00 €Single ticket

About the class


Vinyasa Yoga Klasse mit dem Fokus auf unseren Chakren

In dieser Klasse bewegen wir uns von aktivem Asanas zu mehr Yin dominierenden Asanas.

YIN & YANG Energie verbindet all unsere Chakren im Einklang.

About the trainer/teacher

I truly believe that there is the possibility for everyone to live a fulfilled life. It was 2016 on a Pilgrims Way in Spain when my brother helped me to look at my life from a different perspective. From then on, a big wave of change rolled through my life. Within 7 years I transformed from the unhealthy & insecure me into a bundle of positive energy and healed my body completely. I exchanged running with Yoga Asana, sleeping in with a morning meditation and I found my way to a plant based diet. Most of all, I became the designer of my own life and I now enjoy an amazing lifestyle in between Gran Canary and Konstanz. Yoga became part of my daily life and I had the honor to learn from many excellent teachers such as Simon Park, Karla Castillo, David Kyle, Klara Puski, Sara Ticha and many more. My favorite Yoga style vary from Vinyasa to Rocket, fluid movements and inversions to mobility & flexibility practices. My vision is to teach what I experience and to help YOU to become this bundle of positive energy! With my work I empower you to create a healthy & joyful lifestyle, to feel confident in your body and to connect to your true nature through the practice of Yoga. We can heal what we can feel. We create our own life through our emotions, thoughts and actions. Yoga allows us to feel and therefore to heal & direct our inner world towards bliss.