Videothek Breathwork and Reiki, English

Breathwork and Reiki, English

Alle Level
lola studio
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
24 Stunden
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Join me for Breathwork Meditation and Reiki. In this 75min session, we come together as a group, listen to our breath, open our heart, quiet our mind and receive Reiki energy. Breathwork is a powerful active meditation technique, a wonderful medicine for self-healing and emotional detox that is done while lying on your back. I will be here to support you, lead you intuitively, and hold space. I use clearing rituals and play really good music. It is my intention to create a safe, nurturing, and sacred environment for your healing process, so you can follow your brave heart into its wildest dreams. Reiki is an alternative healing art with its roots in Japanese origin and can be translated as Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki energy flows intuitively where it is needed in your body and allows to balance and soothe your nervous system. I will send you long distance reiki as a form of prayer. The session is slow, nourishing, and suitable for everyone. No experience in breathwork, meditation or reiki is necessary.

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Manuela is a conscious space holder, a certified yoga instructor, breathwork guide, reiki practitioner and co-founder of the wellness platform keur. As an intuitive healing artist Manuela supports and guides her students so they can grow, thrive and shine with a clear, open mind and a receptive heart free from fear, anger, and suffering. In her teachings she works with aromatherapy, smudging rituals, crystals, and reiki. Feel the tremendous benefits of her healing art. Manuela inspires people across the globe to connect with their true authentic self and to create a life where body, mind and soul are aligned. Everyone is able to reach her or his full potential, because everything you need is already within you. Manuela ist eine Yoga und Breathwork Lehrerin, Vermittlerin von Kristall und Reiki Energie sowie Co-Founder von der Wellness Platform keur. Sie begleitet ihre Studenten durch eine transformierende Reise, so dass diese wachsen, gedeihen und strahlen können, mit einem klaren Verstand und einem offenen Herz, frei von Angst, Wut und Leiden. Ihre Arbeit kombiniert sie mit Aromatherapie, Räucherritualen, Kristallen und Reiki. Manuela inspiriert Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sich mit ihrem wahren, authentischen Selbst zu verbinden und ein Leben zu kreieren wo Körper, Verstand und Geist in Harmonie sind. Jede/r von uns ist fähig sein volles Potential auszuschöpfen, denn alles wo wir brauchen ist bereits in uns.