
Full Moon Ceremony

Around the Full Moon, it is a perfect time to reflect and let go of what does not serve you anymore. What to expect during the ceremony? Journaling, sharing circles, and powerful Kundali...
 1 Workshop
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Yoga Basics

Möchtest Du gerne mit Yoga beginnen, zögerst aber noch, eine Klasse im Studio zu besuchen? Oder übst Du bereits regelmässig, möchtest aber mehr Details zu den einzelnen Yogaübungen kennen...
 1 Workshop
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New Moon Ceremony

In this workshop, we allow ourselves to express our greatest wishes and shift our mindset about the unlimited possibilities that we all have. We explore how to set intentions and how the luna...
 1 Workshop
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This workshop will make you excited to stand on your hands! We will start from zero and everyone can work towards handstand at their own pace....
 1 Workshop
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* All prices including VAT