
Yoga Class Altstetten

In this workshop, we blend traditional Hatha yoga with Taoist theory and Chinese medicine to help you act with intelligence and imagination, filling yourself up from the inside out. By explor...
 1 Workshop
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Our brain is the most complex organ with the ability to generate up to 70000 thoughts a day. Do all those thoughts play in your favour? Can you challenge your own thought patterns to reduce the noi...
 1 Workshop
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Full Moon Ceremony

Around the Full Moon, it is a perfect time to reflect and let go of what does not serve you anymore. What to expect during the ceremony? Journaling, sharing circles, and powerful Kundali...
 2 Workshops
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New Moon Ceremony

In this workshop, we allow ourselves to express our greatest wishes and shift our mindset about the unlimited possibilities that we all have. We explore how to set intentions and how the luna...
 1 Workshop
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* All prices including VAT