Christi Christensen - Embodied Elemental Dance

Startet am Saturday, 21/09/2019
Price from 0.00 CHF


Embodied Elemental Dance A transformational dance form that combines freestyle and structured movement to inspire you to get out of your mind and into your body. Through breath, sweat and expression travel from the roots of the earth to the infinite as you explore and arouse all the energies your are.

Teacher :

Cristi Christensen

A former elite-level gymnast and platform diver, Cristi trained with the US Olympic diving team as a young adult. After an injury cut her Olympic dreams short, Cristi shifted her focus to helping others improve their level of fitness through personal training, Pilates, Core Fusion, and yoga. Taking a class with Cristi involves the perfect melange of inspiration with athleticism. Your body and soul will respond to her unique and holistic approach to teaching yoga. All levels of your being will be transformed and awakened — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Cristi is Fire Activator. Star Seed. Lover of Life. She has the unique ability to connect heart to heart with her students inspiring them to dig deeper, play harder, and feel down into the depths of their Spirit with enthusiasm and joy.


1.21/09/201918:00 - 19:30Gartenstrasse 14, 8002 ZürichCristi Christensen


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