Workshopserie 2023 Healthy Dancers

Starts on Saturday, 28/10/2023
Price from 50.00 CHF


If you want to attend more than one workshop benefit from a reduced price for a package of two days:

Content Core Saturday 28th October 2023:

Good core strength influences the quality of your balance capacity, your turns and even your jumping abiltiy. Well-coordinated core stability exercises makes dynamic moves appear effortless and helps to reduce the risk of injury. Learn more about static and dynamic core exercises. This workshops is designed for dance pedagogues who would like to include core strength into their dance classes, dancers wanting to know more about efficient core training and dance students who would like to widen their core exercise repertoire and learn some core tests.


  • 1hr. strength master class with focus on core
  • Theoretical background
  • Short anatomy input
  • A toolbox full of different exercises & modifications
  • A core-circuit plan
  • Core Strength Tests

Content Feet Sunday, 29th October 2023:

Healthy, stable and strong foot muscles are central for good balance during Adagios, safe landings in jumps and elegant and stable pirouettes. Learn the ABC of intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles and apply it to dance. This workshop is designed for dance pedagogues, professional dancers as well as dance students who would like to enrich their knowledge about foot exercise applicable in dance.


  • Theoretical background
  • Short anatomy input
  • Foot circuit training
  • Extensive exercise toolbox for your feet
  • Tests for your feet

Content Agility & Speed Saturday 2nd December 2023:

Speed and agility training help to change your direction and position quickly. It also improves the ability to predict moments seconds in advance and knowing where to go before the actual movement.

Acceleration and deceleration ability are important for dancers as dance includes swift moves in all directions. So, if you aim to be slightly ahead your next step include some speed & agility training to your training routine. 

In this workshop learn more about the importance of integrating agility and speed into your training routine to improve petit and grand allegro. This workshop is especially designed for dance pedagogues, professional dancers and dance students who would like to increase the speed of their feet during choreographies. 


  • Theoretical background 
  • Agility tests 
  • A toolbox full of agility and speed exercises & modifications 
  • Acceleration and deceleration exercises

Description Plyometric Jump Training Sunday, 3rd December 2023:

Dance is characterised by fast, explosive, multidirectional multiple jumps on one or both legs.

This workshop shows how to jump better with a progressive plyometric jump training routine. This workshop is suitable for dance pedagogues, professional dancers, dance students alike who would like to get to know safe and progressive jump routines.


  • Theoretical background 3 stages of progressive jump training
  • Jump tests
  • A tool-box full of jump training variations
  • 1 hr. body conditioning masterclass with focus on plyometric jump training
  • Input on plyometric jump training research in dance
  • Results of plyometric jump training intervention study with ballet dancers


Package 2 days Danse Suisse members: Fr. 140.--

Package 2 days Tamed members: Fr. 140.--

Package 2 days Tanzvereinigung members: fr. 140.--

Package 2 days Normal ticket: Fr. 220.--

Package 2 days ZHdK students: Fr. 50.--

Gesunde, stabile und starke Fussmuskeln helfen dir bei zur Verbesserung von Balanceübungen während Adagios, fördern sichere Landungen nach Sprüngen und sind zentral für elegante und stabile Pirouetten. Lerne das Fuss- ABC der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Fussmuskeln und wende es im Tanz an. Dieser Workshop ist besonders für Tanzpädagog:innen, professionelle Tänzer:innen sowie Tanzstudent:innen geeignet, die ihr Übungsrepertoire über die Füsse erweitern möchten.


  • Theoretischer Hintergrund
  • Kurze Repetition Anatomie
  • Fussübungen Zirkeltraining
  • Toolbox mit Übungen für die Füsse
  • Tests für die Füsse
  • Krafttests Core


Kombiticket 2 days Danse Suisse Mitglieder: Fr. 140.--

Kombiticket 2 days Tamed Mitglieder: Fr. 140.--

Kombiticket 2 days Tanzvereinigung members: Fr. 140.--

Kombiticket 2 days Normalticket: Fr. 220.--

Kombiticket 2 days ZHdK Student:innen: Fr. 50.--

Trainer :

No picture available


1.28/10/202310:00 - 17:00Wasserwerkstrasse 127A, 8037 ZürichAngélique
2.29/10/202310:00 - 17:00Wasserwerkstrasse 127A, 8037 ZürichAngélique
3.02/12/202313:30 - 17:30Wasserwerkstrasse 127A, 8037 ZürichAngélique
4.03/12/202310:00 - 17:00Wasserwerkstrasse 127A, 8037 ZürichAngélique


Bis 60 Tage vor Workshopbeginn: Keine Rücktrittsgebühr, jedoch eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von Fr. 50.--

59 – 30 Tage vor Workshopbeginn: 50% der Workshopgebühren

29 – 0 Tage vor Workshopbeginn: Kein Erlass, bzw. keine Rückerstattung des Workshopgebühren. Sollte die Teilnahme aus zwingenden gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht möglich sein, werden bei Vorweisen eines schriftlichen Arzt-Zeugnisses 80% der Kurskosten zurückerstattet bzw. erlassen. Es kann hingegen eine Ersatzperson gestellt werden.

Muss das Retreat von Seiten der Veranstalterin abgesagt werden, entfallen sämtliche Stornogebühren. In so einem Fall werden alle Teilnehmer:innen schriftlich verständigt und ihnen wird ein Ersatztermin angeboten oder sie bekommen den vollen Preis zurückerstattet.

* All prices including VAT