Workshop Series with Geoff Brooks

Price from 0.00 CHF


Friday Hatha Immersive

All modern forms of Yoga owe their foundation to Hatha. Each of these styles is a focus on a part of the overall practice which is integral to Hatha - things like vinyasa, restorative, power, yin or whatever brand name we give to them, Hatha incorporates all of teachings of Yoga in one complete system. In this Immersive Geoff gives you a deep comprehension of not just what we are doing, but why and how it is meant to be experienced and felt, not just how it looks. Hatha Yoga essentially gives us the tools to approach life from a position of self awareness and self confidence with self clarity.

You will focus on how to most efficiently move Prana through your body utilising movement (Asana), breath (Pranayama) and Bandha Including Asana, Pranayama and Restorative sections, this Immersive is nicely paced so even the more novice Yogi can enjoy this experience. Yet it also has more advanced elements so the advancing practitioner will feel challenged.

Saturday Aligned Flow

Building from the first session of the Hatha Immersion, Geoff shows you how the flow of energy in the body is influenced by alignment and how each pose is designed to sequentially build upon the other to form vinyasa.

Understanding and experiencing how the most routine poses in our everyday classes have been designed to work towards greater depth and openness. How down dog is the foundation of back bends and inversions, how chatarunga is the foundation for arm balances as an example.

This is the master class of the weekend, where we explore and play with form and function in order to create Asana as it is designed… to liberate and empower you.

Sunday Spirit Breath & Restorative Immersive

The idea of Pranayama is to harmonise the mind and body despite what stress is present. To teach us how to understand stress as a language which informs us when something needs to be changed. Just as we are tired and need to rest, stress is telling us something that we need to listen to. Starting with a restorative practice to give the body every chance to open into our seat - we will slow it down and look inwards to observe the fine tuned tensions and create space… and that it the key, SPACE… In the space is grace, is liberations and freedom. Moving to Spirit Breath we create the awareness of how stress is held in the body and how to release it without going into old reactive habits. It brings us to clarity and gives us the ability to make clear choices.


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