DAVE STRINGER (US) - Special Guest!

Price from 36.00 CHF


Special Mantra & Bhakti Class

Mantras Chanting Bhakti Class

The Bhaktis wrote ecstatic love poems, and went around singing all the time. Their message was simple: Cultivate joy. See the divine in one another. They taught Sanskrit mantras to common people using simple melodies, accompanied by handclaps and finger cymbals and drums. The Bhaktis had no use for orthodoxy. They saw the expression and form of the divine in every direction they looked. From this perspective, even music that cannot be characterized as traditional can still be expressive of the Bhaktis’ original intention.

Mantras are intended as a tool with which the spirit can release itself from the prison of attachments created in the mind. It’s not unfair to say that the chanting of mantras is intended to be a completely mindless activity, since the intention of chanting is to create an ecstatic state of awareness that is beyond mind.


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Annullationen per Telefon oder Mail können nicht berücksichtigt werden.

Bei verspäteten Annullationen und bei Nichterscheinen wird die Klasse ohne Meldung vom Abo abgezogen. Personen mit Monatsabos, welche sich wiederholt anmelden, aber nicht erscheinen, verlieren das Reservationsrecht.

* All prices including VAT